Home Terrace waterproofing

Why waterproof your terrace?

Terrace waterproofing is very critical, as a roof is always exposed to harsh weather conditions, climatic changes and rains. 

The terrace surface tends to accumulate rainwater, which due course starts seeping inside the slab.

Over time, the deterioration of the surface will increase; Leading to more damage…

When it comes to waterproofing an exploited terrace, there are several steps and considerations to keep in mind. 

Here is a general guide to help you understand the process.


Begin by inspecting the condition of your terrace. 

Look for any cracks, damaged or loose tiles, or areas where water is pooling. 

Identifying the existing issues will help you plan the necessary repairs and waterproofing measures.


Before applying waterproofing, address any structural issues or damage on the terrace. 

Fix cracks, replace broken tiles, and ensure the surface is clean and free from debris.

Surface preparation

The success of waterproofing largely depends on the surface preparation. 

Clean the terrace thoroughly, removing any dirt, dust, grease, or loose particles. 

Use a high-pressure washer or scrubbing brush to ensure a clean surface.


Apply a primer designed for terraces to enhance adhesion and promote a stronger bond between the waterproofing material and the surface. 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application and drying time.

Waterproofing membrane

Install a waterproofing membrane or coating on the terrace surface. 

There are different types available, such as liquid-applied membranes, sheet membranes, or cementitious coatings. 

Choose the appropriate product based on your terrace’s condition and your specific needs.

Types of terrace waterproofing

Liquid-applied membranes

These are applied as liquid coatings that cure into a flexible, waterproof layer. 

They are often rolled, brushed, or sprayed onto the surface. 

Ensure complete coverage, paying extra attention to vulnerable areas like joints, corners, and protrusions.

Sheet membranes

These pre-formed membranes are laid over the terrace surface and bonded using adhesives or mechanical fasteners. 

Make sure the seams are properly sealed to prevent water ingress.

Cementitious coatings

These are mixtures of cement, additives, and water that can be applied as a slurry or brush-on coating. 

They create a dense, impermeable layer when cured.

Sealing and protection

Once the waterproofing layer is in place, consider applying a protective coating or sealer to enhance durability and longevity. 

This additional layer can guard against UV rays, weathering, and mechanical damage.


Ensure proper drainage on your terrace to prevent water from accumulating. 

Install suitable drains or slopes to direct water away from the surface.

Remember that each terrace may have unique characteristics and requirements, so it’s advisable to consult with a professional waterproofing contractor who can assess your specific situation and provide tailored recommendations. 

They can guide you through the process and ensure the terrace is effectively waterproofed.