Security Surveillance Camera Outside Home Means Less Crime

Many suburban homes have installed a security surveillance camera to protect their dwellings from property damage or potential home invasion. It is proven that a property chances of being a victim of crime is drastically reduced, when the potential criminal knows the property is under surveillance. Some studies show homes in certain neighborhoods are up to 75{a35e9624d39d09a786c5f8acdb55c526966431d9c107db63c11fc3d9ba4fafc9} less chance to be violated by criminals when a camera is displayed outside.

Security systems have gone up in quality and dropped in price over the last decade. This has been due to computer systems popping up in homes, DVR technology and military knowledge being integrated into cameras and being mass produced. 15 years ago, a night vision device could run $2000 to $6000. Now, you can pick up a four day color night vision / infrared system, with four cameras and 500 GB hard drive Nuvcio EVL-4500 DVR costing $450 to $700.

There are many high tech individual cameras you can pick up for under $100. The Sony 1/3″ CCD Infrared LED Security Camera can be purchased for $89. An indoor/outdoor Bullet Security Camera Night Vision Model # SUN-LIR30HF comes with night vision capability for up to 80 feet. It also has a built in microphone that allows for audio surveillance. The price for the SUN-LIR30Hf is $64.95. You can get dome cameras, motion cameras, hidden ones, cameras that tilt, zoom and pan an area. You can even get cameras that are vandal proof. It depends on your needs, affordability, time available … Read More

How a Home Builders Loan Differs From a Regular Mortgage

When you decide to work with home builders on building a new house, you’ll probably start to look for ways to finance the project. Loans for newly built houses are slightly different from regular mortgages, so you should make sure that you’re aware of how the new construction loan process works.

Step 1: Create Your Plan

Before you talk to a mortgage broker, you should develop a vision for your new house. Decide on its size, scale, and location. Also, consider factors that might make the project more complex. For example, if you decide that you want solar panels or geothermal energy, then your project may require special sources of financing before it the home builders can get underway.

Step 2: Research Your Lending Options

Although new construction has increased significantly as available house inventory has sold down, many lenders got away from new construction during the economic recession. Some of these lenders left their clients without financing in the middle of the building project. Do some research to make sure that your lender has a good reputation.

In addition to ensuring that your lender is in good financial shape, you’ll also want to look for the best available interest rates when you’re shopping for a loan. To save time, a mortgage broker can research multiple lenders for you to find the best option.

Step 3: Conduct a Builder Review

Once you’ve selected an appropriate lender, your lender usually starts researching your chosen construction company by performing a credit check. … Read More

Lighting Fixtures and Lamps – How to Get Better Selection, Quality and Prices

Prior to the 1950s, the housing industry had a very basic view of the styles and décor which was made available to the average family. Very minimal thought was placed in the lighting décor of a building. The exceptions were hotels, government buildings, wealthy estates and the like. As more and more individuals and families were able to realize the American dream; the average family’s ability to put customized personal touches into the home began to become more common.

Fast forward to today and the options a home owner has available to them is truly astounding. Researching different styles and materials with respects to lighting and decorating can take several weeks or more, when building a custom designed home. Even if the home owner is just having a remodel done or Replacing some lighting fixtures, the task of sifting through hundreds of different lamps and then selecting complementary shades for those light fixtures can be daunting.

Big block home improvement stores have streamlined this process, but will usually have a limited selection of cookie cutter styled lamps and lighting fixtures. The quality of these samples can often be average to mediocre due to mass production and very limited quality control overseas. There is an excellent alternative.

There are well over a hundred different and distinct lighting manufacturers throughout the country and much more throughout the world. While no one lighting store can possibly stock every style and model, these shops will have a remarkable variety. It is quite probable that … Read More