Charming and Modern Minimalist Home Makeup Guide

Generally, if a house is built in a minimalist style, the interior design and decoration will also be familiar with this concept. One minimalist concept that is very often highlighted is a simple form, but it always looks beautiful and modern.

There is no furniture and makeup that is very dominant or large dimensions both outside and inside the house, but it can always create a safe atmosphere. There are many ways to make a small or minimalist home make-up beautiful, for example by buying the right furniture or paint.

So for that, we will recommend 8 ways to do minimalist home makeup so that your home is more attractive.

8 Tips for Decorating a Tiny House with a Minimalist Style

Selection of Bright but Always Neutral Colors

The minimalist style does look like a simple home make-up, but each element must be selected properly. For example, the selection of minimalist house paint, where this is very important to produce the desired atmosphere.

For minimalist home makeup, the selection of brightly patterned room paint can produce a modern impression and a safe atmosphere. Bright motifs such as white and neutral colors such as gray and pastels are the hallmarks of a minimalist home.

While you can go for lighter colors, we recommend always using derived colors and limiting the number of colors selected. To support the desired concept, you can also choose curtains that are uniform with the room. The selection of window curtains can be a point of interest … Read More

4 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle for Healthy Families

An eco-friendly lifestyle is not only beneficial for nature, you know, but also brings benefits to your family. Environmentally friendly habits that are done consistently can make a family healthier and happier.

Implementing an eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to replace commonly used items with items labeled ‘eco-friendly’. An environmentally friendly lifestyle can be started from small habits that are done with family at home.

Here are some eco-friendly lifestyle tips that you can apply with your family at home:

1. Invite children to play outside the house

Besides being fun, playing outdoors is one way you can give your little one an understanding of the importance of preserving nature.

Well, to do this, you can get him used to playing in the residential garden or invite him to pick fruits and vegetables directly on the cake.

Then, while doing outdoor activities with your little one, you can provide an understanding of how to protect nature, for example by telling them the importance of planting trees and not littering.

But remember, if you want to take your children to play outdoors during a COVID-19 pandemic like this, you need to comply with the applicable health protocols.

2. Use eco-friendly products

Using various household products that are environmentally friendly can also be applied as a way to protect the environment with your family. When washing for example, you can choose an unscented detergent or a detergent with less foam that produces less chemical waste.

In addition, you can use natural … Read More

Minimalist Home Interior Inspirations for All Rooms

Minimalism is all around us, from product packaging, website pages, to home interior design. If you type the keyword “minimalist home interior inspiration” in the search engine, an image of a residence with a simple design and minimal furniture will appear.

As is well known, the term minimalism is used to describe a trend in architectural design where elements are used only according to need. In this case, minimalist home interior design tries to make everything in it beautiful

How to Apply Minimalist Interior Design at Home

If so, what is needed to apply a minimalist design to the dwelling? As an illustration, minimalist home interiors focus on designs and elements that seem clean and simple.

Geometric shapes, firm lines, elegant colors and textures, as well as multifunctional decorations are some of the characteristics of a modern minimalist style house. To apply a minimalist style to your home, you can listen to some of the tips below:

  •     Choose furniture that has multiple functions
  •     Incorporate plants and natural elements into your home
  •     Keep the house clean
  •     Use the “one in, one out” rule
  •     Maximize natural lighting
  •     Keep the room looking simple
  •     Add accessories that match the interior style

Next, let’s look at some minimalist home interior inspiration that can be applied in various different rooms.

Interior of a minimalist living room with an industrial feel

The first example of a minimalist home interior is an open living room with the impression of an unfinished design in the style of an industrial … Read More

Self Build Directory: Your Guide To Your Self Build Project

When you have decided to have a self built project, then you have to prepare yourself with much work, patience, and perseverance. You have to be prepared with every detail it entails. Remember that when you want to create your self build house, you have to gather as much information as you need and know as much contacts as you can. Because building your dream house is more than just steps 1-2-3.

You have to know where to find the best plot for you, you have to at least get in touch with the best architect to guide and advice you on your planning, you have to know the best and most affordable supplier for a certain material, you have to know what electrical material to use and who can help you install it, you have to know these and much more. You will be needing to know people, gathering information, enlisting contacts for your project.

But worry no more because you can find all these things, people, materials, services, and how to’s in self building in just one page. With the self build directory, you can locate companies, people, and tips for your self build project. This directory is a compilation of links, articles, contacts, advertisement on self building.

The self build directory is meant for people who need guidance and assistance in every step of their self build project. With this directory, one can easily get the contacts and information you need to know to effectively plan and … Read More

Hire the Right Home Improvement Contractor

You have spent years looking at that old, tired bathroom. You knew that you wanted to change things about the kitchen when you moved into your house. Your family is growing and you need more space to live comfortably. These are just a few of the most popular reasons that people use for renovating their houses. Renovations can be anything from a new coat of paint and decorations or a complete gut and remodel of the entire space.

Wherever you fit in that equation, there are some very important things to consider before you get started with your renovation. While most people begin their home improvement dreams with paint swatches and glossy magazines, there is a much less glamorous decision that you need to make first: who will your contractor be?

I know what you’re thinking… but I don’t want to worry about that; I want to talk about paint colors! There will be plenty of time for that, but first you have to decide who you are going to trust to come into your home and redo it.

Contractors in general have a bad reputation, not because they are all bad, but because so many people get swindled by someone who is unqualified to complete their job. When renovating your home, the overall budget can be overwhelming. With large projects it is easy to panic about the numbers. And most people compensate for the high budget costs by skimping on hiring a contractor. While this may look pretty on … Read More

Executing a Proper Plan for Wood Working Projects

If you are interested in woodworking diy projects which can be a great way to spend your leisure time and very fulfilling, executing a proper plan for wood working projects is important. Whether the project is to build a carport, garage, backyard shed, dog kennel, furniture for your home or office, etc, proper planning ensures that you execute the project timely and within the budget. This will ensure that you are happy and empowered by the end result.

A properly planned wood working project will usually involve determining the proper product requirements, preparing and executing plans. To begin with, you need to determine the type of wood working project that you are interested in. What is the product and what is it to be used for. What tools do you need and are there any building codes that you need to adhere to, etc. You also need to determine where the project will be located and if you have enough room and whether the product shall be suitable for your property or house.

To begin any woodworking project, getting your hands on professionally drawn up woodworking plans is very important. This will help you with the various details of the project such as the best type of wood, the measurements, the cuts of the wood, type of tools needed, etc, and will include diagrams and step by step instructions to help you follow along.

During the planning process for any woodworking projects, you will need to determine how much the … Read More